Crusher power shotgun
This gun is a power shotgun and is being fired 3 single shots then 3 rapid fire shots.

I started by placing the Weaponiser plugin into an instrument track and then going through all the different engines within the plugin. The onset, body, thump, and then finally tail. Since the crusher is a shotgun, and a power type so it just fires regular shells just like a real life gun. but with a shotgun, they have a lot more kick than a normal gun so I wanted to add more of a punch to the overall design, which I will explain later on this page.

lets start with the onset engine within the Weaponiser plugin. with the fully loaded version of Weaponiser, you get access to hundreds of different angles and distances with many varieties of guns.
I was able to find sounds from a spas-12 which is also a shotgun in real life. these shots were very dominant and added lots of kick which is what I wanted right from the start. I even slowed down each shot to give it more boom and bring out some more low end. also you can see under the waveform on the onset meters, I ended up panning it a little to the right because that's where we see the character holding and firing the gun from.

Next came the body engine within Weaponiser. Also with Weaponiser, it comes with thousands of sound effects as well that you can use for foley or even sound effects.
I really wanted to had some nice deep booming or boom or nice low end to really make the shot pop off. I found a car door being slammed and I also found bullet impacts like when it hits dirt or a sand bag. with the car door slam I slowed that down too, and you can see on this engine I added a eq as well. I boosted the low ends down to 50 hertz range to help give a more booming feel to it. and I also panned this one to more of the right too.

the Thump engine.
continuing on with the idea of adding more boom or umff or kick to the shot, in the thump engine, I added another bullet impact. also with this engine came the addition of the synthesizer seen at the bottom of the plug-in. with the synth added, I was able to bring up more boom to the shot and more boom means bringing in an eq too to boost the low ends around 50 hertz. I also slowed this effect down and panned it more to the right.
I didn't want these booming sounds to overpower the whole gunshot sound either. that was an issue I had to worry about. so you can see on the right side I Brought both gain values down quite a bit on the thump and body engines. I still wanted it to sound like a gunshot and not a punch in the gut.

Finally came the tail engine of Weaponiser. in the tail engine I was able to find a spas-12 sfx tail which is from the gunshot. with this being the tail of the gunshot I created, I didn't mess with it too much other than the panning which I actually adjusted to be more to the left as this is the tail so the shot has already been fired so you would be hearing the tail of the shot.
Final Product